Visual Reminder: God Is With Us

(as promised, here’s the practice from my email.)

What visual can you add into your environment that will remind you about God's presence with you? For indeed God IS with us.

Here's some ideas and I'd love to hear what other ideas you come up with:

-Lighting a candle. "The Light shines in the darkness and darkness HAS NOT overcome it" (John 1:5) Christ is the light of the world. or perhaps this reminds you to be Christ's light

-Wearing something - necklace/bracelet/ cross in pocket etc. Pause and breathe and pray when you see it. (If you recall I mentioned this in March, I fixed my broken bracelet and am wearing that again.)

- Index card with scripture verse - what verse is helpful right now? Put it out for you to read and pray throughout the day.

- Rock or other item - we have small rocks that we write a word or phrase on. The one we have placed out right now is "Trust" Is there a word or phrase that comes to your mind to use?

God bless you, precious and beloved of God.


Something to Hold Onto to Remind You Who Is Holding You


Loved by God, love others.