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Individual Spiritual Direction

“God is present and active in every moment of our day. However, we don’t always have the eyes to see it. “

~Thomas Hart, Spiritual Director & Writer

Individual spiritual direction is an intentional time in which we reflect upon your journey. We look for how God is working and inviting you to new ways of being with Christ in the midst of your circumstances. It is building into your intimate relationship with God over a lifetime, through all the problems, crises, joys and blessings. We meet not to problem-solve, or fix but to abide with God and grow in knowing God and yourself.

It’s an open format, where you bring what is on your heart to the time. God is the true Guide and Director. I am a fellow companion there to listen deeply, ask thoughtful questions, and offer insights or spiritual practices at times, always seeking God.

Specifically, I usually open the time with a prayer and silence, sometimes a scripture passage. Then when you are ready, you share. Though it may sound daunting that the time is open and yours to direct, take heart that many others (including myself) have wondered about the open format. I can truthfully say that I consistently see God’s Spirit faithfully directing.

Typically, a meeting is an hour once a month. The conversations are confidential. Pricing is mutually agreed upon at the first meeting. Meetings occur in person or via Zoom.