
 “Then Jesus said, ‘Let’s go off by ourselves to a quiet place and rest awhile.’

                                                                        ~Mark 6:31 (NLT)

This time is for you - slowing, listening, receiving

Just as Jesus called His disciples aside to find rest and refreshment, this same invitation is for us today.

Whether it’s a half-day, full day or weekend retreat, it is a great opportunity to unplug from the daily routines and slow down to open yourself to deepening your relationship with God.

Each retreat is based upon a theme that is interwoven into the scripture and spiritual practices chosen for the time. Retreatants experience God’s transforming work in them through rhythms of solitude, prayer, and community. They then reenter life refreshed and renewed by God to serve and love God in the world.

I offer different types of retreats: individual or group, half-day to several day, contemplative prayer, silent or theme based. I am available as a retreat speaker for your church, women’s or ministry group. Moreover, I create retreats specifically for pastors and church staff/leadership. Please email me to discuss details.

Retreat themes that I led in the past include: Prayer/Contemplative Practices, Rest & Refreshment for the Soul, Loved by God, Art & Creative Practices to Connect with God, Silent Retreat

Half & Full Day Retreats often include teaching on a spiritual practice, Lectio Divina, Visio Divina, Collage, or Corporate and Personal Prayer

What people are saying about the day retreats

“I have attended several retreats lead by Michelle Olson. I so value that time she so lovingly carved out and planned for us. I appreciated her easy going and gentle spirit as I tried something new. I also loved the variety of ways she led us to spend time with God. I have since continued at home with the ones that resonated with me. I have enjoyed it so much that I have told friends about future opportunities for them to join. What a great time to pause in the busyness of life and refocus on God and my relationship with Him. I love having the recharge to my spiritual life. “  - Kristin

“Michelle’s retreat Ministry leadership is beautifully centered in deepening faith, engaging a deeper sense of Christian fellowship, and growing closer to God.  What a blessing indeed” - Lisa

“Michelle creates space for her retreat participants to become present. She offers creative and new ways to settle in and discover where God is present and at work and then she takes the time to ask and reflect alongside of you so that retreats move beyond experience to discovery.”  -Kelly