LOVE WINS…He is Alive!

After walking through silent Saturday when our hearts wonder, “Where is the hope?” The answer comes loudly and boldy on Sunday - Jesus is our Hope.

He is no longer dead, but alive. ALIVE!! Love is victorious over ALL things - death, pain, sorrow.

And Jesus revealed Himself in all His Power and His Glory to the disciples - women, men, all. “Peace be with you” he declares. In love, Jesus calls to us still and walks beside us through our days - whatever highs or lows they may hold. He loves you. He is with you always and whispers still, “I love you, Peace be with you, I am with you.”

And my voice joins with others declaring this ancient and timeless truth:

“He is Risen. He is Risen Indeed! Alleluia!!!”


Lament for Ukraine


Palm Sunday