
Hope in the midst of waiting. I’m using this scripture as a breath prayer and created this picture as my wallpaper on my phone through YouVersion. I love it.

Advent season. A time of waiting, pondering, anticipation, wonder. Every year, in our church tradition, we light a candle each week to mark the time leading up to Christmas. The themes are often focusing upon hope, peace, joy, and love. As we light the candle this year, this spark of light deeply resonates for me as we are in a season of waiting and hope in so many ways. Like the whole world, we wait and hope for a vaccine, the end of Covid-19, the return to routines we had a year ago. In my family, we wait to see a job unfold for Todd, my ministry to unfold in Michigan, a place to call home, developing friendships in our new place. Waiting is NOT easy but I deeply sense God breathing hope into me and Christ’s light shining brightly on this misty path.

In what areas are you waiting? Where do you see God in those areas? Talk with God about how you see or don’t see God. Ask for what you need in this season of waiting.


Loved by God, love others.


The Path