Centering Prayer

“My soul rests in God alone.” ~ Psalm 62:1

Centering Prayer is a form of meditative prayer in which we simply turn our focus upon God and sit in God’s presence in silence. It is a prayer of rest, and receptivity – simply having a heart open and awake to God.  It is an intentional way to build into our relationship with God, sitting in attentive silence. To assist our mind in the silence, we select a single word that becomes a way to focus and refocus upon God when thoughts come to mind during the silence (as thoughts WILL come). We deepen our relationship with God, as we give our undivided love and attention to God in this time. We trust that as we open ourselves to God, God is doing a transforming work within us.


Settle into a time of quietness with God.  Say to God,  “here I am, I am with you.”  Allow yourself to move from communication with God to communion with God. Simply be with God.  Be in the moment without controlling or influencing it.  Give God the gift of your love and presence.  Use a sacred word to help you to gently return to the presence of God when thoughts come to mind. (Sample words:  Hope, Peace, Love, Joy, Grace, Light, Trust, Shalom, Jesus, or Loving Shepherd ) Be with God in loving attentiveness.  Leave God’s presence gently when you sense you must go.


 It may be helpful to set a timer for 5-20 minutes to allow yourself to relax fully into the time. 

(if it is hard for you to sit still in God’s presence, go for a walk)

Celebrate each distracting thought as an opportunity to return your focus upon God rather than condemn yourself for the distraction. You are intentionally sitting with God and let’s celebrate this sacred time.


I have stilled my soul, hushed it like a weaned child. Like a weaned child on its mother's lap, so is my soul within me.

Psalm 131:2


More Resources on Centering Prayer

  • Centering Prayer by M Basil Pennington

  • Open Mind, Open Heart by Thomas Keating

  • Contemplative Outreach