“God’s mercies are new every morning”

This picture was taken by a friend as she dropped her kids off at our school a few days ago. She almost missed it, but saw another mom taking a picture of something up in the sky. Beautiful. Just as the sun is breaking through these clouds, so too our Jesus breaks through our ordinary days to remind us of His mercy and love.

How is God breaking through into your day today? I invite you to spend time talking with God how you see or don’t see God breaking through into your life.

For me, it’s the delight of seeing an oriole for the first time at our new home. My heart joined in singing with this little bright bird, praising our God who loves us tenderly and lovingly through all events of life (like a big move we just experienced this week).

As I quoted a portion of Lamentations 3:22-23 above, read again the two verses. Allow this truth to sink into your heart.

“The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases,
his mercies never come to an end;
they are new every morning;
great is your faithfulness.”


Listening to love


Life itself is a prayer