Your Word for the New Year

As we begin the new year, I encourage you to prayerfully consider what word or phrase that connects with you that can help you focus upon God in the year ahead.

How do you choose this word? I invite you to set aside a few minutes to ponder any of the following questions and sit silently to see what word comes.

  • Look through some of your favorite Scripture passages. Does a word appear to jump out at you?

  • Imagine Jesus sitting beside you asking this question, “What do you desire/ long for this year?”

  • Perhaps you need to be reminded whose you are, God’s beloved. Do any of these speak to your heart? Beloved, Son/Daughter of God, belonging to God, my treasure, cherished, chosen, deeply loved.

A few more closing thoughts - Give yourself permission to use any word - we may think to dismiss a word as not “spiritual” enough but let us remember that God is ALL of life. So any word can be used to draw you closer. Sometimes it takes a while to land on a word. Or sometimes the word may need to be updated/changed to fit what’s happening in life for you. That’s the freedom of this practice, you are uniquely created and loved by God and your journey with a word will differ from others.


Walking in a Winter Wonderland


Psalm 23